Blog > NewsNorderstedt optimizes logistics and increases citizens quality of life with adhoc smart waste


The operating department (Betriebsamt) of the city of Norderstedt has been using the adhoc smart waste system in approximately 90 depot containers since the end of last year. In addition to textiles and paper, electronic waste containers are also monitored.

The main motivation is to optimize logistics in order to reduce effort and CO2 emissions during collection and to detect and prevent overfilling in a timely manner. In addition, information on the utilization of the recycling isles is being collected in order to make any necessary adjustments to the equipment on site.

Norderstedt has also opted for the Smart Waste subscription and thus receives a comprehensive system for level monitoring for a monthly flat rate. We take care of the smooth operation of the system and ensure that the necessary data is always available.

We have also made sure that the sensor integration is as easy as possible. Daniela Schwarz, responsible for the dual systems in the operating department, says: "In the first step, we equipped 83 depot containers with the Smart Waste System from adhoc networks. We are thrilled with the very easy installation of the sensor, which could be carried out for all 83 containers distributed throughout the city in one morning."

The data on the fill levels can not only be used for waste disposal optimization, but can also be shared with citizens. In the future, Norderstedt residents will not only be shown the position of the recycling isles via the waste app of the Betriebsamt, but will also receive information on whether the containers at the location have still free capacity. Unnecessary trips can be avoided and citizen satisfaction can be increased. At the same time, material flows can be directed to locations that still have room left, thus better utilizing existing container capacities.

The following pictures show an example of a citizen app that we have implemented for demonstration purposes.


We are very happy about the great cooperation with the Betriebsamt of our hometown Norderstedt!

Photo (from left):
Frank Dreyer, Fachbereich Abfall und Verwertung, Betriebsamt Norderstedt
Jens Ohde, Fachbereichsleiter Abfall und Verwertung
Daniela Schwarz, Duale Systeme
Ole Ostermann, CEO, adhoc networks
Christian Wedekind, Senior Product Manager, adhoc networks

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